Saturday, September 27, 2008

The start of The Healthy Bite

So this is something I've wanted to do for awhile now but have been worried that I wouldn't have the support for it to get off the ground. Sommer and I were talking about how much fun it would be to do a recipe club where we all made different recipes and got together to try them and talk about them. Well unfortunately all my friends are scattered allll over so I decided to start one online...

My vision is to start a place to discuss and share healthy recipes and ways of life. Now when I say healthy that can mean many things...whether it be a healthy recipe or a recipe that has a beneficial ingredient or even thoughts about making substitutions to improve the health content of a recipe. As a dietitian I believe healthy is moderation in all things. So by all means we can still have desserts and "normal" recipes too!

It is easy to find recipes online. Its also easy to find ones where someone says "this is good!" Lets do a little bit more...lets talk about why its good...flavor, cost, easy, family friendly, quick, etc! Lets add our tips about what works and what doesn't. In the long run I'd love to see this grow into tips for an all over healthy life, not just food.

I'm also excited because not only am I a dietitian but I also have many dietitian friends and friends/family who enjoy cooking and eating/living healthy. I know so many people with a wide range of opinions and eating styles, so this really has the potential to be such a well rounded site. And for those with questions what a great resource of people (I hope!) to get those questions answered or discussed!

PLEASE PLEASE consider helping me out in this project! It is only with your support that this can get off the ground and turn into something useful and fun for all of us! If you have any recipes, comments, hints, tips, questions, anything that you want me to post please email it to me at or feel free to comment on any of the posts. Also, if you know any friends that would be interested please pass this along!! I know we're all very busy but even a couple a recipes a month would help a ton! Thank you so much for all your love and support! Here's to happy eating and a healthy life!

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